I (Magnus Ahlkvist) am a database consultant, owner of Transmokopter SQL AB and community enthusiast. I wouldn’t know half the stuff if know if it wasn’t for the #sqlfamily.
When time permits, I’m trying to speak at SQL Saturday and usergroup meetings. Family logistics is a hard thing though.
Professionally, I’m a Microsoft Certified Trainer, occasionally teaching various SQL Server courses for AddSkills/Cornerstone in Sweden. But most of the days, I’m a DBA and DB Developer consultant. With 20+ years experience with SQL Server, working with every version from 6.5 and on, I have picked up a thing or two about performance tuning, writing T-SQL code, High Availability/Disaster Recovery etc.
In October 2020, I was awarded Microsoft Data Platform Most Valueable Professional (MVP) which is recognition I’m very proud of and grateful for.

Since I like putting food on the table, I don’t do free e-mail support. I share a few things here on the blog, I speak at conferences and I answer a question or two in online forums. But if you’d like support outside of those formats, give me a call or write me an e-mail so that we can work out the details.
Phone: +46 70 536 65 67
E-mail: magnus [at] tsql.nu
You find me also on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/magnusahlkvist and on Twitter with username @Transmokopter